Petit Seminaire CBSE School, the Premier Institution in Puducherry State has its origin two centuries ago. It was started as a seminary cum college in 1792. The foundations for the present elaborate structures were laid in 1844 and was completed and blessed on the 19th March 1846. Strictly speaking our school in its present form originated 175 years ago.
"NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM" NOTHING IS GREAT UNLESS IT IS GOOD All should aim at greatness but greatness can not be achieved by any means. It should be realised only through goodness namely good, just and legal activities. All the students should be aware, whatever we do is not good, it can never be called great. Goodness should precede every action.
Our Vision at Petit Seminaire CBSE School is to educate students to realise their self-worth and to value life of preparing them to face challenges that arise from within and the Society by large in facing the Global Competition. To catalyse the students for their round development and to aid them to learn, to participate, to lead & to Contribute for the empowerment of Our Nation.
To provide advanced and extensive learning resources for participatory, interactive and creative learning. To develop foresightedness, critical cum analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. To identify and explore the uniqueness of each student for reaching the zenith of their domain and to mould them to be a responsible citizen.